The Faculty of Economics – Law hosts an exchange session for incoming students in the class of 2022 and corporate guests.

In order to increase enthusiasm for the first steps in the auditorium, which is confident and solid with the selected industry, the Faculty of Economics – Law organized an online meeting on MS Teams between new students of class 2022 and visitors from enterprises at 6 p.m. on December 28, 2022.

Opening the meeting, Dr. Nguyen Thi Duc Loan – Vice Dean of Faculty of Economics – Law introduced the guests including: Mr. Trinh Dinh Cuong – Director of Rong Viet Tax-Accounting-Financial Service Co., Ltd., Vice Chairman of Young Entrepreneurs Association of BTVT province, Chairman of the business association of Vung Tau city; Mr. Do Thanh Trung – Lawyer, Director of New Key Law Firm; Mr. Le The Dat – Deputy Captain of the Team for Propaganda and Support for Taxpayers – Registration – Other Collections, Tax Department of Phu My Town, Ba Ria – Vung Tau Provincial Department of Taxation; Mr. Duong Huu Hieu – Deputy General Director of Long Huong Investment Joint Stock Company (Mesa Group); Mr. To Minh Ha – Production Manager, Sugar Mix Factory, CJ Foods Vung Tau; Mr. Nguyen Duy Manh – General Director, AACS Auditing Company Limited; along with the participation of faculty members and nearly 300 new students in the class of 2022.

Part 1 started with the introduction of the guests. Mr. Le The Dat discussed the tax sector, the characteristics of tax professionals, and the road to career success. Mr. Dat recommended students to study tax documents on a frequent basis in order to stay up to speed on the current tax legislation that apply to their profession.

Mr. Le The Dat – Deputy Captain of the Team for Propaganda and Support for Taxpayers – Registration – Other Collections, Tax Department of Phu My Town, Ba Ria – Vung Tau Provincial Department of Taxation

Mr. Trinh Dinh Cuong also advised students on how to gain global citizenship knowledge, particularly in foreign languages, as well as the abilities needed to integrate into a professional working environment. Mr. Cuong also underlined the need of accounting students mastering and continuously updating their tax knowledge. Mr. Nguyen Duy Manh also spoke with accounting students about his experience after graduating and founding an audit business, as well as the aspects that help students thrive in the area of accounting and auditing, as well as the information that students need to function successfully in this sector.

Mr. Trinh Dinh Cuong – Director of Rong Viet Tax-Accounting-Financial Service Co., Ltd., Vice Chairman of Young Entrepreneurs Association of BTVT province, Chairman of the business association of Vung Tau city

Mr. Nguyen Duy Manh – General Director, AACS Auditing Company Limited

Mr. To Minh Ha emphasized to students, notably those majoring in Business Administration and Marketing, the importance of understanding financial statements of enterprises such as account balances, income statements, and cash flow tables in order to understand the cash flow and turnover of the business. Mr. Ha stated that after graduating, he worked as a business operations manager at the company and is now pursuing a Master of Business Administration at Ba Ria – Vung Tau University. He recommended students to define their goals and grasp the demands of the business in order to have many good work chances in the contemporary labor market.


Mr. To Minh Ha – Production Manager, Sugar Mix Factory, CJ Foods Vung Tau

During the interaction with students, the students were really excited to ask the speakers numerous questions. The mood was vibrant, and the guests actively addressed the students’ questions.

A very interesting question from a Business Administration student to Mr. Duong Huu Hieu with the following content is “You are in charge of a large number of people; so what should you do to effectively manage a large number of employees? And is the business administration industry wide?”. According to Mr. Hieu, human resource management is our capacity to understand who we utilize. The importance of truthfulness cannot be overstated. To begin, we must do or self-master in order to know how to function in order to have observation skills, therefore, we should gather experiences such as being able to start our own businesses, etc. in order to collide with reality.

Mr. Duong Huu Hieu – Deputy General Director of Long Huong Investment Joint Stock Company (Mesa Group).

Many law students may indeed be concerned about reading and memorizing a large amount of documents. As a response, a student approached Lawyer Do Thanh Trung and stated, “I’m really passionate about the law profession, but it has too many documents, therefore I’d would like to ask if there are any tips to memorize the documents?”. Mr. Trung shared with students that before heading to court, we must conduct research, discover law documents that govern the sector, and understand the fundamentals of the law rather than reading word for word. Also, for a criminal trial, we need to prepare arguments to determine whether or not there is a violation, however, for a civil case, we must prepare in advance based on the unique situation. We must check up reading comprehension skills under the regulation of the law branch.

Mr. Do Thanh Trung – Lawyer, Director of New Key Law Firm

Several additional questions about the profession were answered by the guests. When it was 9 p.m. and the students were still engaging in huge numbers, several of them revealed that even though they were heading out, they tried to go online by phone since they didn’t want to miss this beneficial dialogue. The visitors, in particular, remained eager to address such concerns. The visitors’ and students’ enthusiasm is the most important element that stays and also indicates the meeting’s success.

Faculty leaders and lecturers hope to cross the gap between theory and practice, bring reality closer to students so that they can learn more about the sector and stay on track throughout years in the university.

MSc. Le Thu Hang

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