Nhat Tan – Alumni of Food technology major

Nhat Tan has currently worked at One Mount (belonging to Vingroup). He is also a “little boss” since he runs his own food company.

Nhat Tan was a toddler with many obstacles when he was on the threshold of graduating from university. Faced with problems on the route to achieve success, the young man has continually strived to grow more mature, persistent and confident, then seek for possibilities for himself and claiming his own “place”.

Furthermore, being cognizant of the fact that: “Value can only support success when we constantly generate it”, Nhat Tan actively learns and tinkers with its own investment channels.

Giving advice to students who are worrying prior to the actual “crisis” period of youth: not sure if the one you choose is appropriate, whether it is adequate, or simply don’t know how to go, Nhat Tan shared:

“- Don’t worry, what matters is your attitude, spirit, and responsibility. Be proactive, confident, and never stop learning. Always be proactive; whether your ongoing activities or occupations are relevant to your field of study or not, you will earn more experience while still a student. These encounters will mostly definitely serve as luggage for your forthcoming journey.”

He also did not forget to tell young people that if they have any concerns, they can approach him. No matter how busy he is, he will make an effort to contribute and serve as a “guideline” for you.

What could be better than an enthusiastic senior like Nhat Tan? He is not only successful, but he also respects his juniors. If you want information from Nhat Tan, please contact the BVU Fanpage!


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