Information of Faculty of Engineering – Technology (updated)

Faculty of Engineering – Technology


By 2030, the Faculty of Engineering – Technology will be a large-scale faculty with diverse training disciplines and a national and worldwide reputation in the field of engineering and technology.


The Faculty of Engineering – Technology is an application-oriented faculty that contributes to the country’s socioeconomic development and international integration by training highly qualified human resources in engineering and technology on the basis of strategic linkages between schools and businesses, training and production, and services.


The Faculty regards training quality and effectiveness as the most important value, principle, and orientation for training and scientific research activities; it is a critical component in the school’s growth of collaboration, competitiveness, and progress.

One of the Faculty’s key values is to provide job options for graduates. Students trained by the Faculty must be provided with the most contemporary and relevant skills to satisfy the human resource demands in the domains of socioeconomic, defense, and security in accordance with the needs of the province of Ba Ria-Vung Tau, the country, Southeast Asia, and the globe.

In the context of rapid change in Vietnam and throughout the world, creativity is seen as an incredibly significant attribute of higher education. The faculty desires and attempts to adapt to ever-changing environmental situations based on its fundamental value of creativity.


The education philosophy “Humanity”, which aims to create a new generation of learners who embody all of the 5 Hs: Heart – Understanding how to love, Head – Being intelligent, Hand – Ability to work, Health – Having good health, Human – Becoming a comprehensive person with humanity


 2007, The Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was established by Decision No. 70/QD-HBRVT dated 28/4/2007 of the Ba Ria – Vung Tau University, and the Faculty of Information Technology was established by Decision No. 71/QD-HBRVT dated 28/4/2007 of the Ba Ria – Vung Tau University’s Rector.

 2017, The Institute of Information Technology – Electricity – Electronics was established by Decision No. 872/QD-BVU of the Rector of Ba Ria-Vung Tau University on March 1, 2017 on the basis of the merger of two faculties: the Faculty of Information Technology and the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

 2020, The Faculty of Engineering Technology – High-tech Agriculture was established by the Rector of Ba Ria-Vung Tau University under Decision No. 935/QD-BVU dated December 31, 2020 on the basis of merging Math – Physics (General Training Center) and four majors of the Institute of Engineering – Marine Economics (Mechanical Engineering Technology, Construction Engineering Technology, Chemical Engineering Technology, and Food Technology) into the Institute of Technology Information – Agriculture.

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