The Graduation Ceremony at Ba Ria – Vung Tau University (BVU) celebrated and awarded degrees to 125 new masters and 478 new engineers and bachelors.

In the morning of November 26, 2022, at the Aroma Center Vung Tau Convention Center, Ba Ria – Vung Tau University (BVU) held a Graduation Ceremony, honoring and awarding degrees to 125 new masters and 474 new graduating engineers and bachelors.


Attending the ceremony, there were the University’s administrators, officials and lecturers of faculties and institutes; representatives of press agencies, media and especially the presence of more than 603 new masters, engineers, bachelors and relatives.



“Today’s graduation day is a day of special significance, completing a period of learning and opening up numerous prospects for all of you being here,” Assoc. Prof., Dr., Lawyer. Nguyen Thi Hoai Phuong, Rector of Ba Ria-Vung Tau University, stated in the ceremony. She also added, “I believe you will always solidly affirm and foster the bravery and brilliance of BVU students, conquer obstacles and difficulties to succeed in your professions, dedicate your passion, serve and safeguard our country”.

There are two students who earned graduated outstanding results, 106 students who graduated with good grades, and 44 students who graduated with high results among the 603 students graduating in this batch.

Graduating from university is a particular milestone for each student, signifying the completion of the learning process and the beginning of a career with many aspirations, objectives, and desires for the future. Graduation ceremony, capturing essential photographs, moments, and beautiful recollections of student life with instructors, friends, relatives, and family.

Furthermore, the new graduating students did not forget to capture the precious moments of the Graduation Ceremony 2022 with a beautiful and meaningful check-in location.


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